Minecraft twitch launcher unable to download jopt

[16/7/2017 15:42:18 PM] Loading Language: English [16/7/2017 15:42:18 PM] Loading Language: English [16/7/2017 15:42:18 PM] ATLauncher Version: [16/7/2017 15:42:18 PM] Operating System: Windows 10 [16/7/2017 15:42:18 PM] RAM…

[B#349] 2017/07/23 23:26:09 [INFO] Console Mode Activated [B#349] 2017/07/23 23:26:10 [INFO] Expected MD5: 94a9d4cbcb9ceaa25000fa303fa81acc Calculated MD5: 94a9d4cbcb9ceaa25000fa303fa81acc [B#349] 2017/07/23 23:26:10 [INFO] Expected MD5: b…


javaw.exe -XX:HeapDumpPath=_javaw.exe_minecraft.exe.heapdump -XX:MaxPermSize=128m -Xmx2048M -Xms256M -Djava.library.path="C:\Users\mhollmann\AppData\Roaming\.pixelmon-beta\profiles\2\bin\natives" -Dminecraft.applet.TargetDirectory="C:\Users… "C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.8.0_66\bin\java" -Dfml.coreMods.load=org.spongepowered.mod.SpongeCoremod -Didea.launcher.port=7532 "-Didea.launcher.bin.path=C:\Program Files (x86)\JetBrains\IntelliJ IDEA 15.0.2\bin" -Dfile.encoding=UTF-8… [22:38:08] [main/Error] [FML]: The minecraft jar file:/C:/Users/Александр/AppData/Roaming/StreamCraft/updates/Magic/minecraft.jar!/net/minecraft/client/ClientBrandRetriever.class appears to be corrupt! [16/8/2017 15:39:09 PM] Console Cleared [16/8/2017 15:43:08 PM] Logging into Minecraft! [16/8/2017 15:43:08 PM] Trying to login with access token! [16/8/2017 15:43:09 PM] Launching pack Sky Factory 2.4 for Minecraft 1.7.10 [16/8/2017 15:43… SLF4J: Defaulting to no-operation (NOP) logger implementation SLF4J: See http://www.slf4j.org/codes.html#StaticLoggerBinder for further details. GravitLauncher (fork sashok724's Launcher) Client Launcher v5.0.8-1 stable 2019.10.17 00:21:20… [11/14/2014 20:29:28 PM] Java Version: Launcher: 1.7.0_55, Minecraft: 1.7.0_55

18 Oct 2019 Download new jar launcher for Minecraft from Mojang: https://bugs.mojang.com/browse/MCL-11993 New version of the jar launcher for  When I try to open minecraft from Twitch, an error message pops up and says: Failed to download file, Failed to download file, the file contents differ from what was expected. Its a known issue with the new launcher, hopefully Mojang patch it soon To find the jopt-simple-4.5, go to your roaming folder. 6 days ago URL: https://libraries.minecraft.net/net/sf/jopt-simple/jopt-simple/4.5/jopt crashing my game when I see certain items, I'm using twitch launcher. 11 Jun 2009 try to play it and launch it witch Twitch it says the same thing every timeand IDK anymore what to do. This is the error: Failed to download file,  16 Nov 2019 Failed to download file, the file contents differ from what was expected. \Twitch\Minecraft\Install\libraries\net\sf\jopt-simple\jopt-simple\4.5 16 Nov 2019 Failed to download file, the file contents differ from what was Path: D:\Program Files (x86)\Twitch Minecraft\Install\libraries\net\sf\jopt-simple\jopt-simple\ Even happens in normal launcher used twitch as an example help 

"C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.8.0_191\bin\java.exe" -Xincgc -Xmx1024M -Xms1024M -javaagent:C:\Users\Murat\AppData\Local\JetBrains\Toolbox\apps\IDEA-C\ch-0\192.5728.98\lib\idea_rt.jar=59860:C:\Users\Murat\AppData\Local\JetBrains\Toolbox\apps… Installing natives after 1.5.2 0 B168B014BE0186D9E95BF3D263E3A129 B168B014BE0186D9E95BF3D263E3A129 jinput-platform-2.0.5-natives-windows.jar MD5 Check Passed! 1 7890CB27BE4783E45B9C8CECC6D3E3B3 7890CB27BE4783E45B9C8CECC6D3E3B3 twitch… C:/Users/Curtis/Desktop/MC Mods/MultiMC (win)/MultiMC (win)/libraries/tv/twitch/twitch/5.16/twitch-5.16.jar [20:22:14] [main/Error]: Unable to read the jar file CodeChickenLib-1.7.10- - ignoring [2019-06-26 14:25:57] [INFO] [S-Update] S-Update Client version 3.1.0-BETA by TheShark34 [2019-06-26 14:25:57] [INFO] [S-Update] Current time is Wed Jun 26 14:25:57 CEST 2019 [2019-06-26 14:25:57] [INFO] [S-Update] Starting updating… [12:29:28] [INFO] MainHelpers.printInfo:48: Launcher Install Dir: c:\ftb

What can I do to create my account and make the purchase? #709 [18:02] I don't remember my minecraft account password and I don't have access to email which is connected to that account. #710 [18:03] * Ghoul_Shade5 [webchat@cpe…

"C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.8.0_66\bin\java" -Dfml.coreMods.load=org.spongepowered.mod.SpongeCoremod -Didea.launcher.port=7532 "-Didea.launcher.bin.path=C:\Program Files (x86)\JetBrains\IntelliJ IDEA 15.0.2\bin" -Dfile.encoding=UTF-8… [22:38:08] [main/Error] [FML]: The minecraft jar file:/C:/Users/Александр/AppData/Roaming/StreamCraft/updates/Magic/minecraft.jar!/net/minecraft/client/ClientBrandRetriever.class appears to be corrupt! [16/8/2017 15:39:09 PM] Console Cleared [16/8/2017 15:43:08 PM] Logging into Minecraft! [16/8/2017 15:43:08 PM] Trying to login with access token! [16/8/2017 15:43:09 PM] Launching pack Sky Factory 2.4 for Minecraft 1.7.10 [16/8/2017 15:43… SLF4J: Defaulting to no-operation (NOP) logger implementation SLF4J: See http://www.slf4j.org/codes.html#StaticLoggerBinder for further details. GravitLauncher (fork sashok724's Launcher) Client Launcher v5.0.8-1 stable 2019.10.17 00:21:20… [11/14/2014 20:29:28 PM] Java Version: Launcher: 1.7.0_55, Minecraft: 1.7.0_55 [B#347] 2016/08/10 15:33:58 [INFO] Starting download of http://launcher.technicpack.net/resources/OpenSans Cyberbit.ttf, with 3 tries remaining

[B#439] 2014/07/15 12:33:52 [INFO] --- [B#439] 2014/07/15 12:33:52 [INFO] Technic Launcher is starting [B#439] 2014/07/15 12:33:52 [INFO] Launcher Build: 439 [B#439] 2014/07/15 12:33:52 [INFO] --- Startup Parameters --- [B#439] 2014/07…


"C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.8.0_191\bin\java.exe" -Xincgc -Xmx1024M -Xms1024M -javaagent:C:\Users\Murat\AppData\Local\JetBrains\Toolbox\apps\IDEA-C\ch-0\192.5728.98\lib\idea_rt.jar=59860:C:\Users\Murat\AppData\Local\JetBrains\Toolbox\apps…

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